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Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Consolidated Meeting Schedule Rolls

Back in the days of oil shortages and long gas lines our church went from a schedule of meetings spread throughout the week to a 3-hour Sunday block--it was a big change for a lot of people!  This recipe was probably created around that time in order to be able to leave for 3-4 hours and have rolls ready to pop into the oven as soon as you got home.

This has been our Thanksgiving roll recipe since my cousin's wife gave it to me years ago.  It is easy, delicious and we still love it!

Consolidated Meeting Schedule Rolls-

2-Eggs (beaten then add remaining ingredients)
1-12 oz can evaporated milk or 1 1/3 c regular milk
1-cup hot water
1 table spoon salt
1/3 cup sugar
2-Tablespoons yeast in 1/2 cup warm water
About 6-cups flour (probably more)

1- Knead well
2- Divide into 4 sections
3- Roll out into a circle and butter top with melted butter
4- Cut into 8 wedges (I use a pizza cutter)
5- Roll up like a croissant 
6- Cover with dry towel and let rise 31/2 to 4 hours
7- Bake 8-12 minutes at 400 degrees.  
8- Remove from oven and brush tops with more melted butter.

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