Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Banana Oat Smoothie

This makes a great quick breakfast smoothie. I was drinking them almost daily for a while, just to break up the eggs-and-toast nightmare routine. (Okay, it wasn't really a nightmare--I like eggs and toast--but seriously, every day?)

Banana Oat Smoothie with cinnamon instead of cocoa.
You can play around with this quite a bit--try different greens, or some spices like nutmeg or cinnamon (those are really good in this, actually, with or without the cocoa powder). It's fairly forgiving because of the oats, banana, and cocoa powder. Together, they cover a multitude of flavors. (And when it looks like chocolate, even little kids will drink it!)

This recipe makes one good-sized mug full.

1/3 c. oats
handful of spinach, rinsed
2 Romain lettuce leaves, rinsed
2 bananas
1/3 c. milk (or nut milk or whatever you prefer)
1/2 t. cocoa powder

1. In blender, grind up oats until very fine. Add spinach and lettuce and grind again until greens are pureed. (A bit of liquid goes a long way in this, so if they're taking their time, pour in just a teeny bit of water or milk to help it go down.)
2. Add remaining ingredients. Blend until smooth.

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